New Year's Resolutions

Better late than never, right?  Although I have several goals for this year in my head that I've been thinking about since December, it never feels official until I've written it.  I had good intentions of getting that done by January 1st, but I just didn't make it happen.  So here it goes...

1. Enjoy the Process - I've blogged before about my trouble with this.  Once I have a vision for something, it looks like an undone task for me which stresses me out.  This year, I'd like to focus on enjoying the process.  I think goals are much better and easier to attain if they are measurable...this one is a little hard to attach metric to, but I'm going to do two things to facilitate this goal 1) I'm going to wait before I some cases it might be a day, in some it might need to be a month, but I'm going to refrain from springing into action immediately for major projects/decisions. 2) When we're in the process of completing something I'm going to write down what it is I'm enjoying about the process.

2. Obain my PMP -  If you don't know what I PMP is, find out HERE.  I've been saying I want to do this for a couple of years now, but this is the year.  To obtain this goal, it's just going to take some time and planning.  I'm committing to spending at least 1-2 hours a week logging hours, preparing for prep classes, studying...whatever.  I think I feel a little more convicted about my career goals this year because I've seen my best friend go through a divorce.  Not that I'm afraid hubs is doing to divorce me, but you never know what the future holds.  I like knowing that I could support my family on my own if I needed to, and I'm forging ahead to be the best I can be in my career.

3. Cross Fit Goals - Instead of listing these separately, I'll just list them all under CF goals.  Here goes...

  • Front squat 200#
  • Back squat 225#
  • Power Clean 140#, Clean and Jerk 140#
  • Get a muscle up on the rings
  • Get my green shirt (a "level" at our gym) which means I've got to crush Helen, which means I need to get much better at kipping pull-ups!
  • Master Double Unders - which to me means doing double unders like I do singles now..close!
  • Get three ring dips
4. Be the best time manager I can be for my family - I am a sucker for volunteering to host things I don't really want to host.  I say yes to a lot of "good" things, but my family was completely worn out this year.  I have this little book called "Hell Yes" which basically says when asked to commit to something, if the answer is NOT hell yes! then the answer is hell no!  While I don't things are always that simple, I am going to ask myself that question along with, "is this the best thing for me and my family right now?"  The answer might not always be clear, but having some guideline in place when making time commitments will help us budget our time a little better.

5. Be the best time manager I can be for my company - I am resolving this year to spend the majority of my time on things at work that are important but not urgent.  By doing this, I'm hoping to minimize the important AND urgent issues.  Additionally, I am banning myself from my phone/ipad unless I'm taking a break.  If it's urgent, my people know how to get in touch with me, and facebook, texting, social media is just too big a distraction.  This is been on my list before, but it's time to resurrect it.

6. Stick with our financial plan - Last year we resolved to live on one income, and we did do relatively successfully.  My income pays for the kids school, debt, savings, and trips.  We're keeping it that way for the most part, but we've tweaked our financial strategy a bit, so I just need to stay on track.  For me, this will mean recording expenses weekly (at least) and staying the course on paying down some small debts.

7. Check my national news app twice a week - Hubs and I both hate news on TV, both national and local (sorry for my friends who are in the biz - it's the truth). It's so sensational.  I just want the fact.  But for some reason, I have no interest in reading the news.  However, this makes me behind on current affairs, and I want to know what's going on in the world.  In years past, I resolved to check my news app once a day, but I failed miserably at that.  I know myself in that area now, and this is doable for me. I can do that and still be current in the way of the news.

8. Maintain a Paleo lifestyle - I've been dabbling in Paleo nutrition for two years now.  For me, it's very much been a process.  Now that I'm comfortable with the food prep and the recipes I like, I feel I have the tools I need to be successful.  In January, I'm doing the Whole30 program and then my plan is to be 100% Paleo through March.  Like I said, I've been dabbling in in for a while now, but I feel like I haven't really given it a chance to make serious change in my life in the gym and in my overall health.  I feel like three months (one of those being super clean) is a good timeframe to actually see some changes.  

Here's to a wonderful 2013!

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