Savannah's 6th Birthday Party

When we made the big move to Colorado, one of the things that worried me was Savannah's upcoming birthday.  First world problem?  Most definitely.  However birthdays had been a big deal in the past and I probably created a situation where her expectations were high.  Her biggest concern when moving was that no one would come to her birthday party.  I was honestly worried this might be a possibility.  However, nothing could have been further from the truth. She has already connected so well to her classmates, and every single girl in her class came to her party!  I am so grateful to the sweet girls who helped us celebrate.  

She is in half day kindergarten, so a lunchtime party after school was made possible.  I thought it would be a good way to keep it low key and fun while not jeopardizing anyone's weekend.

In some ways I cannot believe Savannah has only been a part of our family for 6 years.  I can barely remember life without her.  In other ways it seems like yesterday I was a week late and eating ravioli while going into labor with her.

She is a little firecracker.  She loves to learn, will do crafts for hours, makes friends easily, is a perfectionist, and loves a thrill.  She bosses her little brother around constantly, but she is such a good, protective big sister.  She is goal-oriented, loves to achieve, and is the most intense little person.  We love her with every fiber.  Happy Birthday Savannah!

Party Favors!

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So much fun decorating with blues and purples

Obviously paleo

These cake pops were no joke!  A two day process, but we had fun making them and they were a huge hit with the girls

Everyone wanted Elsa....

Sweet girls from her Kindergarten class

Cake was from our favorite ice cream shop, Sweet Cow

We made "Snow Dough"

It was a combo of lotion, baking soda, and glitter....

LOTS of glitter...

Messy, but fun

Every girl got to take some home.  Sorry parents!

The scene outside couldn't have been more perfect.  The mountains were extra snowy and gorgeous.

Daddy and Savannah telling secrets

We ended the day at Lucky Pie, a local pizza joint, and Sweet Cow next door.  Because, we hadn't had enough Sweet Cow already.  You only turn 6 once!

A good example of her personality.  She draws as many pizzas as possibly while we were waiting on dinner.

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