To my daughter on her last day of kindergarten

The past 12 months or so have been huge for my little girl.  In some ways I feel like I've had her forever, but in other ways it seem like yesterday that I was writing her birth story.  Little girl, I want to share with you some of the highlights from your kindergarten year.

I was a blubbering mess your first day of kindergarten

Because you went to day care and preschool all day for the first four years of your life, I thought there would be no tears the first day of kindergarten.  But when I stood in line to register and got your saw you name on your assigned teacher's roster, I had a golf ball in my throat, and my tears were involuntary.  Something about seeing your name on an actual classroom was just so...grown up.  We started the year at Arlington Elementary in Arlington, TN.  We got to walk you to class the first week, but after the first day you didn't want me to walk you in anymore.  "I can go all by myself," you said.  Break a mama's heart!  I've always said I wanted to raise you both to fly, so that was ok by me.  The first day I dropped you off in the car line and watched you walk what looked like an enormous walkway into the front was overwhelming.  You looked so tiny and so big all the same time.

You made friends easily

Believe it or not, you were a shy baby and a timid toddler.  It's ok to be shy and introverted, but I used to worry about you making friends when you were smaller.  As you came out of your shell, I spent less time worrying about the ease in which you'd make friends, but it was still a concern.  You fit right into the bubbling bunch of cuteness and madness that are kindergarteners.  In fact, we had a good laugh one day when I noticed you were bringing home starburst every day for a week.  I finally asked you where these mysterious starburst were coming from.  You explained that you had convinced your friends that you needed them for your starburst "collection." Each day for several weeks, at least one other kid in your class would bring you starburst from home. You get your master manipulation skills from your dad.

You moved across the country and had to switch schools mid-year

I wonder how much you'll remember years from now about our move to Colorado in the middle of your kindergarten year.  When your dad and I were deliberating on this move, everything seemed to be drawing us there, but one of the only hesitations we had was taking switching schools on you.  You were sad to leave your grandparents and friends (especially Scarlett!) but you handled the move with ease. You had new friends within the first week and no tears.  You went from an all-day school (8 AM - 3 PM) to a half day school (8:30 AM - 11:35 AM) so that was a little off for you, but good for your brother.

You lost your first tooth on the kindergarten "graduation"

I was not expecting tears on kindergarten graduation/celebration, but the tears were flowing again.  Seeing you up on the stage singing your heart out and telling everyone from the microphone that you wanted to be an artist when you grow up was so grown up.  That golf ball appeared in my throat again and the tears wouldn't stay in.  If that weren't enough, your first tooth fell out that night at bedtime.  Wouldn't you know it, but it was also the first tooth that came poking through your gums at 5 months old.  It was also just too much.  The tears came again and you were so confused.  "Why are you crying and looking at me that way Mommy?" you'd asked.  Well, it's just that you're so grown up.

I am so proud of you.  It's hard to believe that we brought up a little baby and somehow now you are this kid.  Heaven help me when you graduate high school.  Most the time I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.  But you inspire me little one.  Your intensity, willingness to learn, need to create, and high energy make me realize the awesome responsibility it is to be your mom.  I love you with all of my heart, and I can't wait to see the places you'll go.

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