Losing my Religion

I've grappled with writing this post for some time now.  But for some reason, this year, I'm losing inhibitions and starting to care less about what other's think.  The longer I live, the more I realize, if I have questions/doubts/fears and am repressing them, chances are other people are too.

So here it is.

I struggle with my Christian Faith.  Big time.  I am a full-fledge preacher's daughter who was not just brought up in church; church was pretty much my entire social circle.  Because of that, that type of existence is what is most comfortable to me and probably always will be.   But I've converted more people to Crossfit and Paleo than to Christ.  I've found myself frustrated with how much church leaders assume when they are preaching the gospel.  I struggle with fundamental questions like:

* Why is salvation necessary?
* Why is the Bible authentic?
* Why Jesus?
* Can we reconcile other religions?

What is frustrating is that (in most situation I've found myself in) it's assumed that we're all on the same page when it comes to these questions.  Church leaders seem so focused on hip worship services rather than addressing core issues.  Well, they may THINK they are talking about these issues, but from where I'm sitting they are dealing with them from a Christian University perspective and barely scratching the surface.

Then I read THIS article.  It was as if she as reading my mind!

I don't know the answers. I do know though that we ought to be real and honest when it comes to matters of faith. Tim and I are going through a Dexter phase.  We were deep into Season 6, and my husband made the comment that we'd be a lot more effective if we'd minister like Pastor Sam.  I think I agree.

So why even post this?  Why expose myself like this?  2 reasons:

1. I'm tired of wrestling with these questions and not doing anything about it.  I've started reading the book A Case for Christ by Lee Strobel.  It's a book about a professed athiest who comes to know Christ through a journey to prove Him wrong.  I'm also going to spend time in the Bible and in devotional studies.  I will blog about it.

2. I want to know what you think?  Am I alone here?  I'd love to hear your stories.

Thanks for taking the time to listen and read.  Also - just wanted to offer up a disclaimer to those of you who attend my church :)  This is not entirely based on my experience at my current church; it's a collection of experiences.

1 comment

Unknown said...

I can totally agree with this. I have been struggling the last few years with how to reconcile my church upbringing and beliefs with my inevitable involvement and participation in the secular world. It's a journey for sure and one that I'm still trying to navigate.

I was amazed recently when on a Sunday morning the issue of homosexuality was the sermon topic. And the lesson wasn't "it's wrong and those people are going to hell" It was a genuine lesson in how to address it as a loving Christian and not claiming to know all the answers! I LOVED it and for the first time, complimented our minister on the sermon afterwards. I feel like lessons like that can be a step in the right direction for so many churches. Not demanding a certain set of beliefs from its members, but really looking at what the Bible says, approach every topic in love and pray for the guidance because we DON'T have all the answers.

I'll pray for your journey :-)